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 What is Angina

What is Angina

What is Angina? Angina can occur when the coronary arteries cannot deliver enough oxygenated blood to the heart. The feeling translates into squeezing, suffocating, or burning in the chest region. Some causes of angina include heavy meals, extreme temperatures, exercising,…

 Obesity: A Major Health Epidemic

Obesity: A Major Health Epidemic

Obesity is increasing among the UAE citizens leading to serious health problems. As changes in lifestyles have become rampant, we may have to reconsider what is happening and the consequences it can bring upon. More people today are living sedentary…

 How Does Body Weight Affect Your Knees

How Does Body Weight Affect Your Knees

Your knees are important parts and depending on how active you are, you are using your knees. One of the many factors that determines knee functionality is your body weight. Let’s see how your body weight affects the knees. Chronic…

 What is a Sinus Infection?

What is a Sinus Infection?

A sinus infection refers to the inflammation of the sinuses caused by a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection. The inflammation of the sinuses are often painful, yet it is a common condition affecting up to 20 percent of the adult…

 Five Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Five Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Sleep deprivation has become a common problem, but it leads to more ailments that you would realize. If you are trying to get your sleep routine back to normal, here are some ways: 1. The single best way to sleep…

 Boosting Your Energy Levels When You Have Hypothyroidism

Boosting Your Energy Levels When You Have Hypothyroidism

Tiredness and fatigue are two common symptoms of hypothyroidism. Endocrinologists offer hormone replacement medication targeting the TSH levels in the body. In addition, there are ways to ensure that you stay energized. 1. Take your Thyroid Hormone Replacement Medication Continuously…